Spread The Word: Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn
Best Suited For
Small businesses with or without social media accounts that are looking to spread the word about their brand.
How it Works
With a personal account, you probably don't have a strict plan for what you're going to post. For a business, it's important to have a social media strategy. This means planning what to post, when to post it, and who you’re trying to reach
What's in it For You?
A super cost-effective way of shouting from the rooftops (but online). It helps you get noticed, connects you with new and existing customers, builds relationships, and grows your brand.
Things to Consider
People are on social media to connect, be entertained, and learn, not necessarily to be bombarded with sales pitches. The most successful small businesses use social media to build relationships and provide value, which then leads to sales over time.
What We Deliver
Choose two platforms: Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.
- Google Business Profile Set Up or Audit & Fix
- Google Analytics Account Set Up or Audit & Fix
- Social Platform Set Up or Audit & Fix (Select 2 platforms)
- 10 Static Posts or Stories (Select 2 platforms)
- Scheduling of Posts (Select 2 platforms)
- Monthly Tracking & Reporting
How We Share Results
Each month, we'll schedule a virtual consultation to delve into your campaign performance, analyze key metrics, and identify opportunities for optimization.
Detailed reports will be readily accessible in your Shopify account, allowing for convenient download or printing.